Are Pay Transparency Laws Working?

Episode 444 | Host: Emilie Aries | Guest: Zoë Cullen

Research-backed insights into the effects of pay transparency laws.

Pay transparency is a Bossed Up policy priority, and my guest on today’s episode has embarked on an in-depth, data-driven exploration of the results of this movement across the globe. Zoë Cullen is a scholar investigating gender gaps within the workforce. She is currently an assistant professor of entrepreneurial management at Harvard Business School, as well as a National Bureau of Economic Research affiliate in Labor Studies and associate editor of the Journal of Political Economy.

The TaskRabbit test subject

The numbers highlighting the impact of pay transparency first became apparent to Zoë in a project she undertook using data from the online freelance marketplace, TaskRabbit. When she compared pay rates between contractors hired separately for the same types of jobs versus groups of contractors hired together to complete a single job (such as a team hired to pack boxes for a large company), Zoë saw significant differences.

Whereas the pay range for individual hires ranged widely, when hired as a group, the rates paid to each individual evened out. It was clear that discussion between the people in the group was resulting in far more wage parity across the board. Zoë broadened her research, contrasting the results of wage changes in states and countries with pay transparency laws in place and those without.

Horizontal vs. vertical pay transparency

During her research, the difference between two types of pay transparency—horizontal and vertical—offered up some surprising findings.

Horizontal pay transparency refers to gaining clarity about what your coworkers are making; in other words, the income of those who do jobs of a similar type and at a similar level in the same or similar hierarchy of the workplace. Vertical pay transparency is about gaining the knowledge of what those above you in the hierarchy make—your immediate supervisor all the way up to the C-suite.

When horizontal pay structures are disclosed, the reaction is what we have come to expect: learning that you’re paid less than your colleagues who are performing similar work is agitating, and can create poor morale. It’s no surprise to hear that employees experience lower job satisfaction upon learning that some of their coworkers make more than they do. 

We might expect, then, that upon learning what our bosses rake in, we feel doubly disgruntled, especially since these dollar amounts are often even higher than we expect. But Zoë’s research shows the opposite is true. Rather than adopting an “eat the rich” mentality, the revelation of these incomes—even for roles far beyond what most employees expect to reach—evokes measurable increases in motivation, driven by evidence that suggests working hard and pursuing promotions could be an extremely lucrative endeavor.

Given these results, it might seem strange that higher-level executives are still often resistant to disclose their pay. However, there are many reasons people might want to keep their pay private at different levels—long-standing societal taboos around talking about money, for instance—and over time, this mutes both the potentially detrimental and the beneficial effects.

Average worker pay in the face of transparency

Negotiation is another reason that comes to my mind when I consider why individual workers might not wholeheartedly embrace the idea of pay transparency. For the employee who has skillfully negotiated their way to impressive raises over the years, disclosure of their income and the resulting parity removes the impact of this accomplishment.

To be clear, finding out that someone in a similar position to yours makes more than you can help your negotiation power. However, the data from states with pay transparency laws show that this level of information sharing, often comes with more rigid pay policies and lower average wage growth, overall. If a company now faces upward pressure on wages from every employee in a position, rather than just a few assertive negotiators, they often respond by creating more clear, but rigid pay policies and pay bands. 

This might sound like a negative on the surface, but Zoë says there is no question that pay transparency laws are having their intended effect: they are contributing to pay equity. Gender parity certainly improves, and while there is not enough empirical evidence yet to show similarly shrinking racial gaps, Zoë allows that the effect is likely similar.

Zoë is confident there is a future where farther-reaching pay transparency laws deliver an unequivocal net positive. Already, some data suggests that both employees and hiring managers are benefiting: salary transparency early on in the hiring process helps ensure that everyone’s on the same page from the start, reducing wasted time and money. 

I would love for you to weigh in on the pay transparency conversation. If you live in a region with pay transparency laws on the books, how are they affecting your career strategy? If your area doesn’t have these laws, how do you find out the information you need to go into your job search equipped with solid salary data? Share your thoughts in the Courage Community on Facebook or join us in our group on LinkedIn.

Related Links from today’s episode:

Connect with Zoë

Read Zoë’s article, “Is Pay Transparency Good?”

Read Zoë’s article, “Equilibrium Effects Of Pay Transparency”

Equal Pay for Equal Work Act

Episode 319, “How To Talk Money With Your Friends and Family and Why It’s Critically Important That You Do”

Episode 146 “Step-By-Step Negotiation Prep”

Salary Insights Guide

Bossed Up Courage Community

Bossed Up LinkedIn Group



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