How to Leverage LinkedIn Like A Boss [WEBINAR]

Let’s be real here: LinkedIn can be a beast! But it’s good to have such a monster networking tool in your corner when looking to achieve your biggest career goals.Luckily, today we heard from marketing maven Alexandra Anweiler Stephens who broke it all down and showed how to leverage LinkedIn to work for you.Alexandra dropped lots of knowledge on today’s webinar (see the full video below), but to give you the highlights, here are my top three take-aways: 

  1. Get your group on

LinkedIn groups are EVERYTHING, says Alexandra. Not only do they help “round out your profile and your overall online brand,” but they also enable you to send messages to other members of the group. This is incredibly handy when trying to connect with professionals who you admire, but aren’t officially connected to.This enormous advantage is sadly under-utilized, so go join some meaningful LinkedIn groups now (start by looking for alumni networks, industry affiliations, and other interest-based groups). 

  1. Use company pages to get your (virtual) foot in the door

In today’s networked job market, its all about who you know – and it’s even better when you can get an insider to vouch for you. Applying to a job at Google? Follow their company page on LinkedIn and it will automatically show you how you’re connected (either directly or indirectly) to current and past employees.Nothing beats an internal referral – and now they’re easier to track down than ever before. 

  1. Be selective with connections

A few of us on today’s webinar (myself included!) admitted that we accepted almost anybody and everybody who asks to make a connection. “Not advised,” says Alexandra, who noted that our connections on LinkedIn reflect on us as well. If you don’t know them, don’t connect with them, no matter how enticing that “500+ connections” badge might seem (it’s really nothing special, says Alexandra).The same premise holds true when considering your outreach.  Before requesting a connection on LinkedIn, always customize your message and explain “how you know the person and what you’re interested in connecting about,” advised Alexandra. 

Learn more by connecting (the right way) with Alexandra on LinkedIn here, and learn more about her private advising she provides to folks who want a LinkedIn make-over. How can you put these #bosstips to practice in your own life right now? Share your story in the comments below and be sure to sign up for our upcoming #FierceFall webinars, featuring other incredible women who will help you craft a happy, healthy, and sustainable career. Here’s the full playback:


Honing Your Personal Story [WEBINAR]


How growing her community landed Jessica’s best job yet.