8 Tips for Editing Your Resume

Author: Emilie Aries

Recruiters are picky when it comes to resumes. They see hundreds for every job advertised, and they need to whittle that list down to just a few. That means if there are any errors in your resume, they're going to throw it out without even thinking about it. To up your chances of being interviewed, use these editing and proofreading tips on your resume.

1. Don't use unfamiliar words and phrases.

As you're reading through your resume, pull out any words or phrases that you're not totally comfortable. That phrase may look great, but does it really fit in with the rest of your resume? Remember, it's a place to show what you can do, but not somewhere you can show off.

2. Double check all info that you include.

“Double check everything you put in. Are the dates for your last job correct? Did you type in your phone number correctly? These are seemingly minor details, but they'll say a lot to the recruiter,” says HR manager from CV Service. Plus, if you're lucky enough to snag an interview, you don't want to be foiled by the recruiter not being able to contact you, due to a mis-typed phone number.

3. Don't trust spell check.

Spell check is a wonderful invention, but it can't do everything. By all means run spell check as part of the proofreading process, but then read over the text yourself. It can't catch everything, so you need to weed out the other mistakes. For example, it wouldn't catch the word 'from' when you meant to write 'form', as it's still a correctly spelled word.

4. Look for one type of error at a time.

You're going to need to do a few passes on your resume before it's perfect. Each time you read it, look for a different type of error. On the first pass look for spelling mistakes, on the second look for grammatical errors, and so on. This way you're not overwhelmed trying to spot every mistake at once. You'll also find it much easier to spot the mistakes you are looking for.

5. Keep on top of your grammar.

Grammar is a difficult one to catch because you have to read the resume carefully to spot the errors. There are common mistakes though, such as switching tenses, not capitalizing proper nouns, or not being consistent with date formats. If you're unsure about your grammar, try the grammar guides as one provided by Assignment Help to get you started.

6. Read it backwards.

This sounds like a strange tip, but it works. Start from the bottom and work your way up. You can't read the resume as a narrative, so instead your brain will focus on the words themselves. You're much more likely to spot anything wrong when you read it like this.

7. Have another person read it.

As careful as you've been with your proofreading and editing, you may miss something. That's because as the person who wrote the resume, you know what you meant to say. Your mind often fills in the blanks as you're reading it. Ask a proofreading service like Essay Writing Service and Custom Essay service to look it over for you. They'll spot issues that passed you by right away.

8. Give your resume your full concentration.

Finally, pay proper attention to your resume. Turn off the TV and step away from your phone. By giving it your full concentration, you're not going to miss anything vital.If you follow these tips, you'll have a resume that will grab any recruiter's attention. You'll show that you're conscientious about your work, and take the role seriously. Good luck with your applications!

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